Petition for Vanity to have more practice time in Holloway Hall

To whom it may concern, We, the members of Vanity submit this petition requesting additional practices in Holloway Hall. Our show is on Sunday, April 28th,2024. We would like to give our best performance; we need to practice how we perform. Our current practice space requires us to have proper spacing, timing, and confidence. We have a vision that we want to see fully performed. With more space, we can invest more time in our show. That will also give our audience the show that they are paying for a getting all their money's worth. This petition will be brought to the attention of CSIL, ODI, and the office of President Lepre. Thank you all for your continued attention and support to vanity. 

Vanity Executive Board and Members

April 22, 2024

Vanity Modeling Club    Contact the author of the petition

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